Saturday 12 December 2009

Zermatt so far...

Today broke cloudy with a general promise of a poor day. The fact I'd
forgot to set the Sat alarm on the iPhone meant I also had an
impromptu lie in - I do wonder if I'm smart enough for a smart phone?!
Still managed to make the ten past 9 train so not a total wasted day -
ski hols are for skiing dontyaknow?! Weather was better than
anticipated - still wiped out twice... First was trying to show off on
a big pile of artif snow - the light was flat is the only defence I
can offer! The 2nd time was due to a sign - no, I didn't hit it, I
stopped to read it and fell over - Mr P thought it a great laugh to
turn me into a snowman - revenge is a dish best served cold
methinks... :-) Plenty of drama on the slopes for others - 2 helo
recoveries of trashed skiers. After plenty ski in conditions that were
again better - even Big M put in an appearance :-) we ended up at
Hennu Stall bar [] for an après ski gluhwien
- great place - possibly the best Apres ski bar in Zermatt...? If you
come here, go there! :-) And now some numbers, 2.5 days of skiing has
resulted in 57 lifts, 23,800m of descent and 164 km of skiing - skiing
holdays are for skiing don'tyaknow!! :-)

1 comment:

  1. Was it the sign that felt on you or the other way around?
